You have just become the President of The United Republic of the People's Territories of States. As the new president it is your noble duty to set your nation down the right path by signing executive orders. But will everyone agree with your decisions? Find out when you address the media and face their probing questions. Will your answers satisfy the republic or will they leave you IMPEACHED!
Impeached is out now on Android and iOS! Featuring a whole new visual update to keep your presidential decrees looking slick on the go!
Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.oddbirdstudio.impeached
App Store: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/impeached/id1496858842?ls=1
Music From: Kevin MacLeod (Music used under Creative Commons Attribution License)
Install instructions
Download Impeached for windows to add your own content!
How to:
Step 1: Open folder, "Impeached_Win_5-28-2017\Impeached_Win_5-28-2017_Data\StreamingAssets\Executive Orders"
Step 2: Open any preexisting excel file
Step 3: Change column A1 to your new executive order.
Step 4: Change the questions, answers, and headlines in appropriate columns.
Step 5: Click File, Save As - Name your file
***Note*** make sure you save the excel file to Impeached_Win_5-28-2017\Impeached_Win_5-28-2017_Data\StreamingAssets\Executive Orders
Step 6: Play Impeached
Development log
- Mobile Port Out Now! With All New Art Update!Feb 24, 2020
- Three Times the Content (16 New Executive Orders)Jul 11, 2018
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never thought i'd ever get to be trump lol
drew an amongus instead of doing a signature. 10/10 game
we need more lore on the URPTS
My hips don't lie just came up I'm dieing
this game taught me how to sign my name fuck yeah america
Are you c a n a d i a n?
i signed that law
"Canadian Satan"
snow mexicans
absolute perfection
I tried to be a good president but the choices are too funny to concentrate
love iiiit
this is one of the funniest games ever I can't stop laughing
wait, is the idea to get impeached
Thought I was just doing really well lol
me to
If I get elected, I will put an end to syrup smuggling!
playthrough........enjoy :)
Make this game hard
I have all the bars full!! ...but i don't think thats how im supposed to play the game
i used UwU as may presidential signature ;)
3 words my fellow jackasses
well i managed to get a long enough run to see every contract twice
me too
Bro its impossible to get impeached
i got impeached on day 2! now to get immediately impeached...
why was i met with full on opposition when i signed for pineapples to be mandatory on pizza... 🥲
so you shoud
I FINALLY got impeached. But only the world meter got down.
Same. Wish there was a way to get an ending for having all bars full.
haha funni game be joe
cool game really liked it. it made me laugh as well, best game you've made by far :D!
Funny, Chiches has played this and then me. We speak spanish, he is a great Youtuber.
I swear as soon as my broke ass gets money I will donat
I couldn't stop laughing!
Hey, I did a little playthrough of your game. Ngl this was one of the most fun games I have played in a while!
I literally tried to get impeached and couldn't xD
Man after the question started looping I wanted to get impeached and I can’t
is your profile picture the mindustry router
duplicate words
i did all of them they started looping
this is fun as hell
What do the 3 bars mean and do you get different outcomes when different bars are emptied?
if any of the bars empty, you get impeached, and the first one is your money, the second one is general happiness, and i think the third one is how it affects the world or something. different responses, like saying that you'll send a search team, may make different bars deplete (in this case, you'll have to fund the team, which will cause you to lose money).
#rights for all
talk about sarcasm
and also freaking real
enjoyed this
that was a joke if you cannot tell the sky does exist
wow to bad i didnt ask and a racist joke
too bad non shits are given
black people care u prick
Maybe your the only one
really? didnt see that, but I think its supposed to be sarcastic?? (no offense here
(edit: just to be clear, I mean sarcastic towards certain racist people
the 1980's didn't have slavery? It had weird outfits and funky music and big hair. I think you might be a little confused.
I didn't see that in game darn'it
Time to sign that the sky no longer exists rule thing
what sky?
I spent like 90% of my playtime writing elaborate cursive letters about how the man in question was directly responsible for the deaths of thousands of people, many of whom I knew personally. 10/10 would play again.
Haven't played yet, but I know this game will be good due to this comment/rating.
This is a very interest comment